Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Poor Arlo was left alone for most of yesterday and he was wound up by the time I got home. Even still this morning! Which led to me locking myself out of my house when I let Arlo out to do his business. (Good times!) So imagine, Kara walking over to Earl May at 7:45am to use the phone since all of my neighbors were already gone. And think about how many phone numbers you actually know since all of them are programed into your cell phone.

But it was all worth it since I thoroughly enjoyed myself last night. In the words of a good friend,"The gossip was substantial and the company exhilarating".

Included are a couple of pictures we took last night - tell me which one you like the best!


Michael Adams said...

I like photo number 2. It's the artier of the two. The tree is the key. Photo 1 is very amateurish, obviously taken by someone new to photography. Your friend sounds witty, though. Is he? Did I say he? Ah, what's the point of being secretive. It's your photographer friend. It would be great to see more of your stuff. You've always been visually astute, but I've never known you to be shy. To melon martinis, then.


Unknown said...

I am torn- being little sis and all I feel I should vote for number 1 but think my final vote goes to number 2 :-)