Friday, June 29, 2007


Arlo gets his staples out today so no more neck brace!! (Pictures to come later.)
He is such a funny boy. He wouldn't play with Peanut (next door neighbor dog) yesterday at all. She is exactly his size and rowdy like he is, but he wouldn't play with her. I don't know if it's because she wasn't a chihuahua (they are very clannish you know) or that she wasn't familiar enough.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

More please!

I am seriously going to have to have both puppies potty-trained by the end of the month if it takes all the treats I have!!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Moody Monday

Arlo is such a funny boy. He has now starting barking at his own reflection and the neighbors lawn ornament. What is that about? 1. It's his reflection! Chihuahuas are supposed to like each other and yet he is barking at himself. 2. The lawn ornament is about the same size as Arlo. He's so weird. And yes - he is still wearing the neck brace.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


I thought Arlo was going to have to visit the vet AGAIN today. I dropped a staple from a package on the floor and couldn't find it. Shortly after dropping the staple on the kitchen floor, I see Arlo chomping on something and that something was the staple! I tried to finger sweep his mouth to dislodge the it but it was gone in a flash. I wasn't sure if he ate it or not. So after a sleepless night I came to terms with the fact I was going to have to call the vet again this morning.

Miracles upon miracles I happened to find the staple as I was sweeping my kitchen floor this morning.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Back to the vet

So Arlo decided to open one of his incisions from his neutering. I was home for lunch yesterday and I noticed his incision was opened, so I ate my sandwich quick and off to the vet we go. I picked him up after work to find him with 5 staples and a new collar. And he needs two weeks worth of antibiotics. Seriously Arlo! I of course tried to get new pictures but neither Minnie nor Arlo were cooperating this morning.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Poor Arlo

Arlo was neutered yesterday and he is a little under the weather today. (You would be too if you had to wear a cone around your head.) He did really well during the surgery and is just a little sore today. He is eating well and starting to act like himself again.

In the words of Bob Barker, "Spay and neuter your pets!"

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Arlo is just trying to chew on his bone and Minnie will not leave him alone. Just like a little sister.

My neighbors just got the cutest puppy. Her name is Peanut and she is some kind of terrier. She is about the same size as Arlo and has the same energy as Arlo. I think they are going to be fast friends.

Monday, June 11, 2007


I have been light on posting because I haven't been home much in the last couple of weeks. My sister is putting her house on the market this week so I have been spending quite a bit of time at her house working. Need-less-to-say I can barely walk today. (My aching back!) Poor Arlo and Minnie have not been happy with me. I did take a couple of pictures this week but none of the puppies.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

King of the mountain

When I was younger I thought it was pointless to make your bed. You just get into it again at night so why bother. Now in my older days - I make my bed everyday. It makes me happy to see everything put together.

So every morning I make my bed. I throw the pillows on the floor and as soon as I do, Minnie and Arlo play "King of the Mountain". It is hilarious. I tried to get pictures but as soon as I pulled out the camera they stopped. Tomorrow I'll be ready for them.

Friday, June 1, 2007


I'm so glad today is Friday because I have 1/2 days now. Every Friday we are off at noon. How great is that! So I get to go home and play with my puppies.

Arlo is such a toddler. He steals all of Minnie's toys and keeps them to himself. And why is it with two dogs they always want the same bone at the same time?

Have a good weekend - talk to you Monday!